Inside Flying Saucer Cults and Culture, Gregory L.Reece, 2007 6.5 MB The Secrets of the Mojave (The only UFO Book that you should read!), Branton 2.1 MB.The Omega File (Greys, Nazis, Underground Bases, and the New World Order), Branton 1.1 MB.The Mothman Prophecies, John.A.Keel 316 KB.The Biggest Secret, David Icke, 1999 10.3 MB.

The 12th Planet, Zecharia Sitchin 797 KB.The Sirius Mistery, Robert Temple 2.8 MB.Project SERPO – Earth and Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program 1.9 MB.The Gold of the Gods, Erich Von Daniken 663 KB.Return to the Stars, Erich Von Daniken 616 KB.Miracles of the Gods, Erich Von Daniken 736 KB.

Chariots of the Gods, Erich Von Daniken 522 KB.What NASA isn’t telling you about Mars, Ted Twietmeyer, 2005 6.4 MB.The Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident, Stanton T. The World’s Only Government-Documented UFO Crash, Don Ledger and Chris Styles, 2001 568 KB US Government’s Shocking UFO Cover-up, Col.Philip J.Corso, 1998 1.4 MB Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience, Stanton T.Friedman and Kathleen Marden, 2007 3.6 MB.The Philadelphia Experiment, William Moore and Charles Berlitz, 1979 5 MB.Above Top Secret, Jim Marrs, 2008 3.1 MB.New Drunken Master (Lanjutan Drunken Master) – Kungfu Wang Wu Ji – Malaysia Legenda Wong Siu Long (Kakak Tiri Tiger Wong) – Malaysia

Return Of The Condor Heroes 1-43 (Tamat) 505 MB Tapak Sakti 2 The Legend Continues 1-44 (Tamat) 229 MB Pedang Maha Dewa Vol II 1-33 (Tamat) 1.82 GB Pedang Maha Dewa Vol I 1-73 (Tamat) 2.99 GB Bagi yang berminat email saya di sms ke 0817 74 95 74